
When Life Changes. Part 2

October 10, 2019
6 Mins

Last year we woke up and packed the car to head back to Idaho after staying in Washington for a month.

We waited for our home care nurse to do our last blood draws for the infectious disease doctor, and take out the port that had been administering antibiotics every 4 hours for two weeks. I remember our amazing nurse pulling the long tube from Emery's arm, and just like at a season of life was coming to an end.

No more beeps.
No more pinched tubes.
No more calls in when something didn't go right.
No more strong antibiotics.

But now it was time for the goodbyes.
They were bittersweet. It is hard to say goodby to your friend, your rock + foundation, during the hardest seasons of life, and yet, I was excited to get home to feel some sort of normalcy. To see Ben.

A month changes you.
The tears. The celebration.
The ups and downs.
The sacrifice

It is written in your heart forever... a goodbye to friends to welcome daddy is like turning the last page to end the chapter.

God is funny. He really does sprinkle his grace + love even into the smallest details. From the beginning we didn't really have a choice when we could come home. Our doctor wrote our plan out with home care and antibiotics, and we would leave when it was all finished. But God knew.

We were given a time when our home care nurse could come to the house to pull the tube from Emery's arm. But God knew.

He knew down the minute... to the second. His timing is perfect.
Looking back you can see how he weaved through this whole situation was something magical. It is like a gold string weaving through a birds nest, but in our life. Adding something special and beautiful. It was perfect. The day we were released from home care was the day Ben flew home from India after being gone for two months. As we drove toward our exit in Boise we watched Ben's plane land. You can't plan this stuff. God is always in the details.

And just like that we became a family of four again.

It's weird.
You don't come back from two different experiences as the same two people.
It's one thing to have a person come back from a two month trip while life at home continued, but life was now different.  Ben changed from experience. I changed from mine, and the feeling of life going back to "normal" was gone. It's not bad. It's not good. It just is. Life continues on, and you have to start to create your new "normal".

lacie jaye
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